Life Coaching

Who is life coaching for?

Life coaching is great for anyone who is struggling with life or feeling stuck. Coaching is beneficial to the client as it provides a support system to empower the individual to accomplish their goals and ideal life. Many individuals who come in for coaching sessions have specific obstacles in their life that they are struggling to manage or to make the “right decision”. A key aspect of this work is to connect people to their daily habits that are either contributing to their ideal lives or hindering them. Once we find out what is restricting your process, we can then take action steps to reach your goals.

*Common topics discussed in coaching session include, but are not limited to career, relationships, habits, stress management, spirituality, mental health symptom management, and family dynamics.

Additional Info:

Payment and Fees

Private Pay only
$65 per 50 min session

Population Served

Adolescents 12+,
adult men & women